• 日期2018年10月
  • 类别艺术(大概)/ 写作
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 “We are attending a funeral tomorrow.”
 “Yes, father. But you have not yet told me whose funeral it is going to be.”
 “It is going to be ours.”
 “Ours. Mine, your mother’s, and yours – ours.”
 “Because we will die tomorrow.”
 “Because tonight there will be a storm, and tomorrow, a flood. And the day after, nothing will be left.”
 “Why do you know that?”
 “Because I know that. And you know that as well, my child.”
 “But I have never heard of it until just now……”
 “You do, my dear. You always have.”
 “…… Well, if what you have said about the storm and flood is true, then we should leave here as soon as possible.”
 “We cannot leave.”
 “Why? It is still morning. We have plenty of time.”
 “That is true. But we cannot leave.”
 “We even have time to pack up everything valuable.”
 “It is not the matter of time or money. We cannot leave, my dear, we cannot leave.”

 “Who are you?”
 “Your cotenant, obviously. I live just below you.”
 “We do not have cotenants. This house is our inherent property.”
 “Then you must’ve been too young to notice that. Good to be young though.”
 “I do not understand what you are talking about.”
 “You shouldn’t.”
 “Anyway, who are you?”
 “Your cotenant.”
 “…… Occupation is the prostitute. And I work for the devils.”
 “What do you mean by ‘work for the devils?’”
 “Take it literally, darling.”
 “Watch your mouth please.”
 “Sure, my noble lady.”

 “My apologies. I guess here lives a lady who works for the angels?”
 “Yes, I do.”
 “She is lying, sir.”
 “Why’d you have to be so mean to me? Honored lady?”
 “I am not being mean to you. I am simply telling the truth.”
 “The truth is what I’ve said.”
 “The truth is that you told me several minutes ago about you working for the devils.”
 “Ladies, I apologize for my interruption – either of you has proof of what you have said?”
 “No.” Said both of them.
 “Then I will take one who answered first for the moment.”
 “I do not mind. It is none of my business after all.”
 “I thank both of you.”
 It is none of her business, but for one moment, she does see the devilish tail and horns on the one leaving.

 “Pardon me, miss. You are not allowed to leave. Would you like me to walk you back to your room, or you are fine by yourself?”
 This is her third failed attempt to leave the building. No matter how meticulous she is, still someone will catch her when she goes down the stairs or across the hallway.
 “Excuse me for my rudeness, but you’d better get back to your room. Would you mind me coming with you?”

 Midnight, the storm arrives, as her father has predicted.
 “What are you doing?”
 “As you can see, father, I am throwing these useless objects out.”
 “Why are you doing this then?”
 “I do not have a clear idea, but perhaps it is because they bring me into disgust.”
 “Why disgust?”
 “Because.” Said when she pushes her mother’s armchair off the terrace, into the howling wind and pouring rain, “Are you not stopping me?”
 “I do not see the point for that. This is our last day, so you do whatever you want.”
 “That is very nice of you.”
 She turns around and feels no surprise when she sees a devil’s face.
 “You work for the devil, father.”
 “Yes, I do.”
 “Just as the bitch downstairs does.”
 “Yes, we do. But you are demeaning yourself by calling her that way.”
 “I call her a bitch because she lied to a visitor that she worked for the angels.”
 “That is what we are supposed to do. Learn to accept it, my dear.”
 “Could you not call me that way?”
 “Sure. This is our last day, so you do whatever you want.”

 She sits on the handrail on the terrace, looking down to the pluvial water and whatever floating – furniture, tree trunks, broken roofs, and drowning humans. She has stayed so long that rainwater mixed with blood has soaked and wrinkled her hands. But she still does not want to go inside due to the raw smell and rent limbs that fill the entire building.
 Suddenly, she notices something in the flood, something repulsively familiar. Although grimace and all bloated up, it is definitely the one, the base one that took away what would have belonged to her, the deadly one that ought not to die this easy.
 And so, she jumps off the high-rise terrace towards the corpse to tear it apart. However, the moment she gets close enough to see it clearly, she realizes that it is not what she can play with – the one and single wound is a cut in its neck, so deep that only a few fibers are connecting the head to the torso, so clean and accurate as if a refined artwork. She has to admit that the way it was killed is much more of a maneuver than of a savage like she has committed in that building.

 “Would you mind giving me a second, dear miss?”  She looks around but fails to find the source of the sound, which seems to be right beside her ears. She finally sees a person when she lifts her eyes and looks into the dawning sky. With the giant, spotlessly white wings, he hovers in the air, calm and elegant as if standing on level ground.
 “Yes, sir?”
 “You can come up here to speak if you would find it more like a conversation.”
 “But I do not have a method to go up there……”
 “You do, my dear. You always have.”
 “Anyway, I presume this is just fine,” said she when she stands up on the floating corpse, in a posture she considers more perfect, “What are you telling me, sir?”
 “You must have recognized this corpse.”
 “Yes, I have.”
 “And reckon you have recognized me.”
 “Yes, I know who you are.”
 “Then what do you think?”
 “You killed it because it worked for the devil.”
 “True, like what you did for everyone else.”
 “But I wonder why you took it instead of me. You knew what it was in the first place, did you?”
 “Yes. Unfortunately, I made the most ridiculous mistake that we can ever make – I arrived one day early – I was not able to take you at that time, and I had to take her first. I apologize.”
 “Understood. I accept your apology.”

 “So, before we go back, do you have any other questions for me?”
 “I have so many that I do not even know which one to start with……”
 “It is all fine. You may organize your thoughts on the way, and when you feel ready, I am ready.”
 “Wait a moment! Before all that, could you please……”
 “Of course. The cakes and champagne are waiting for you – that is what we do for newcomers – and please allow me to put it simple for now:
 “My dear, happy eighteenth birthday.”